Our Goals

In this context we feel the necessity to collects testimonies and experiences on the Mediterranean area, where we can meet the first great civilizations. Now it is the theatre of clashes and exchanges , absolute protagonist for tradition under a point of view of production , social and cultural and it is often attribute to the concept of the Mediterranean Diet.
In the coming decades , we will be more and consume vastly more, which inevitably will involve everyone: the rich countries , the least developed and so-called emerging.
We must respond to a growing demand for food with more sustainable solutions than the past, while the dual unknown adaptation of production processes, the climate change and the mitigation will put unprecedented constraints to production systems .
The strengthening the role of research and innovation will be critical, to counter those vision of agricultural and trade policies which clash with the food and nutrition security , amplifying the risk and uncertainties.
In the new world disorder will in fact essential, to begin to rethink the food and the policies that govern, to go it beyond the traditional fences. To this can be enormously useful forum EDM, also as a contribution to issues addressed during EXPO 2015.
But it’s much more! The food, the production and distribution, play a key role in the changes that are going through the Mediterranean. A place where live and transit, both those for which the production and consumption of food are daily struggle , and for those which the feed , is no longer a problem of quantity, but rather quality and finally the countries , that agri-food supply , are a tool for space and succeed in the multipolar world.
The food system is also a point from which to restart the process of euro-Mediterranean cooperation, for the complementarities and potential for affinity and cultural richness that characterize the food supply in the Mediterranean basin.

In this context , cooperation – in particular the sharing of the best practices and tools – can be a barrier to food insecurity, which still characterizes an important part of the southern Mediterranean which, for structural features , it is inevitably exposed to effects of developments in international agricultural markets.

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